Full Power
Bio :
The Funky Rhythm guitar , Coen between his organ, FenderRhodes and synths, Frans playing his old Fender Jazz bass, ,drummer Sebastiaan , with his "high energy" grooves, allfinished with a touch of lovely percussion ........This willdefinitely bring you back to that great sound of the seventies! Allof this gives singer Evelyn, the solid ground to make herbeautiful vocals work and be moved by the beat, andharmonies. Her voice has a warm but clear timbre that tellsstories and carries you away and rhythmically moves you!
TheBand members already shared the stage with Randy Brecker,Nigel Hitchcock amongst others.
What also makes this Band a “real band “ is that the membersare all writing songs. The sound of the recordings are veryspecific and have a unique live ,sparkling and high energy feel.Website; www.tristanmusic.euInfo and bookings ; Isolderecords ; 0031-624869647 or 0031-611353970
Personal information:
Evelyn Kallansee is a very all-round singer/actrice. Evelynstarted her professional career in the musical Les Miserables.After this she studied musical theater, acting and dancing at theAcademy for “ Kleinkunst” in Amsterdam. In the years thatfollowed her All Round talent made her explore different genres;In musicals like Evita, Joe, Touring as backing vocalist for bestselling artist Marco Borsato, Jocelyn Brown, Tony Hadley and
Coen Molenaar is a fulltime musician, composer and producerworking worldwide and in a wide range of styles like Jazz,Fusion, Dance, Funk, R&B. Still touring with the legendary JanAkkerman, he also worked with Chris Hinze, Deborah Carter,Do, Carole Denis/ Nick van Gelder (former Jamiroquai) andDes'Ray.
Frans Vollink at age 16, he got hooked to the electric bass. Hestydied at several Music Academies. After graduating Franshad the great fortune to play with some of the finest musiciansaround like Randy Brecker, Gerard Presencer, Nigel Hitchcockand Wayne Johnson.
Dutch drummer Sebastiaan Cornelissen studied at TheConservatory of Amsterdam. Later he worked as an 'in demand'live and session artist as well as a teacher at The RoyalAcademy of Music. Sebastiaan produced numerous of albumssince and worked with artists such as Randy Brecker, GaryWillis and Gary Husband.
Martin Gort has been working as a percussionist/teacher andproducer for over 25 years. He has learned a large variety ofrythms in Africa and Cuba. Martin produced a series of lessonCD and over the years been an in demand session artist with awide variety of artists and television shows.
Thomas Bekhuis started to play guitar at the age of 12. HeGraduated in 2010 as a Master of Music at the Conservatory ofAmsterdam and Purchase College New York, studying withJohn Abercrombie and Robert Fripp. As a frontman Thomasappears in his own power trio The Cockatoos and surf rockband THE JETS. recently worked with: Caro Emerald, DoronaAlberti, Lo van Gorp a.o.
Evelyn Kallansee – Vocals
Sebastiaan Cornelissen –Drums
Thomas Bekhuis - Guitar
Coen Molenaar - Hammond, Rhodes en keys
Frans Vollink – Bass
Martin Gort - Percussion
“The best of the seventies brought to 2013” is what TOTOguitarist and singer Steve Lukather came up with when heheard the music of TRISTAN !